Higher Wych Charity

Higher Wych Charity

The Higher Wych School Charity exists to advance the education (including social and physical training) of young people resident in the Bronington Community Council Area.

Providing their education (including the study of music and other arts), to undertake travel in furtherance of that education or to prepare for entry into any occupation, trade or profession on leaving any educational establishment.

Awarding scholarships, maintenance allowances or grants tenable at any school, university, college or institution of further education

  • Who doesn’t need help with the cost of attending university these days

Applications, including a CV and the purpose for which a grant would be used, are encouraged from anyone who thinks they might be eligible, and should be addressed to The Trustees and sent to The Chairman at Wolvesacre Mill, Iscoyd, Agden, Whitchurch SY13 4RE, or email pcg@iscoydpark.com

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