Electoral Roll

Electoral Roll

Electoral Roll of St Mary, Whitewell.

The electoral roll is the membership list of a parish church. Only those on the roll
may attend and vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting and be
eligible to be elected as a member of the PCC or to be a Sidesperson. There is no
membership fee and no necessity to take on additional responsibilities. Much more
important is that you pray for the work of the Church, and join with other Christians
in worshipping Christ in Church.

To be on the electoral roll, you must have been baptized, (i.e. “christened”), be aged
16 or over, and be a member of either the Church of England or of a Church that
believes in the Holy Trinity. In addition, you must either live within the parish, or
have habitually worshipped at the Church for at least six months unless prevented by
illness. The Roll is formally reviewed each year before the Annual Church Meeting and a
new Roll is created every 6 years.
If you would like to be on the roll, please download an application form or obtain one  from Roy Kerry either at church or by using the contact details below. Tick whichever of boxes 2
A, B and C apply and return the completed form. This can be done at any time except
that there will be a cut off date announced each year prior to the Annual Meeting.
Roy Kerry.
Electoral Roll Officer.
Bank Farm Cottage, Higher Wych, Malpas, Cheshire, SY14 7JR
roykerryhw@gmail.com. 07860 818721.


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