

We’re really glad you’re here!

A Blessing …… click here

The Easter Garden declared a miracle – Jesus is alive!
What does this Truth mean for You?

Jesus came to the world that we may have life. Not just any life, but life in all its dimensions that we could live it to the fullest…

He taught us to give, that in our giving we would find our true selves, and through doing that, the life He intends us all to share.

Don’t settle for anything less…find Him and Live!

Revd Veronica Green

We have three churches in our group and you’re welcome to join us at our regular worship at any of them.

Every six years, we have to create a new electoral roll. This is the year. Click the button below for the full story.

The Prayer Book Society Newsletter



VERONICA GREEN ‐ Priest in Charge
t: 01948 663758
m: 07928 792337
e: vicar@stmichaelsmarbury.org

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